1.1 Billion Dollar Class Action Suit Launced Against OLGC If successful it would mean free tickets for a special draw for anybody who buys lottery tickets or proves they bought them in the past. Sounds like a really stupid lawsuit. Just a way for lawyers to possibly make a killing.
Police Open Investigation Over Fraudulent Ontario Wins Probably way too late in almost every case.
ESI's Citadel subsiduary moving from Vancouver to Malta. Concerned about increased negativity of Canadian government towards internet gambling.
Teletheatres in Dresden, Quinte, and Woodstock still not operating because of contract disputes. HPI has suspended betting accounts from those areas as well since January.
Great Lakes Downs and San Luis Rey Downs probably for sale Magna hints Racetracks without slots make profitability almost impossible in most regions.
Horse Racing Joke:
There was a very rich gentleman who wanted a scientific method to be able to predict the outcome of any horse race. He asked a geneticist, a statistician and a physicist to look at the problem and promised each a million dollars if they could find a solution.
After a year of study the gentleman asks the scientists what they have come up with.
The geneticist says, "Well, we have looked at parentage, genetic composition, hormone levels, and musculature of all the horses raced last year, and we could find no pattern amongst the winners.."
The statistician says, "We looked at the history of each and every race. We compared times, owners, ages, parentage, and many other variables. We could find no pattern that would pick winners more than 35% of the time."
The physicist says, "We calculated the solution from first principles, and here it is!" He hands an encyclopedias worth of papers to the wealthy gentleman. The gentleman responds by returning a million dollars in cash to the physicist.
"Well done!" he cries, "But how did you do it?"
"Well remember it is limited to certain types of races," says the physicist, "it only works for races where spherical horse are moving in a vacuum...."
Donald Trump billboard gets hacked in Toronto
Grand River director Jim McLeod passes away after battling cancer
Unconfirmed rumour has it that Ontario sire Elajjud died. His offspring have done extremely well to date on Woodbine's Polytrack. A very under rated sire.
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